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Strong Women, Strong World


Lani Dolifka, Founder, Clean Water Here
Kathryn Compton, CDO, World Vision USA
Adrian Merryman, Chief Development & Impact Investment Officer, VisionFund

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • Women living in rural communities should be the focus of substantial aid. 80% of those living below the poverty line live within rural communities, with the large majority being women. 1 billion women in the world have no access to financial services, indicating an issue requiring immediate action.
  • World Vision and VisionFund’s Strong Women Impact Fund highlights a timely opportunity for philanthropic investment to get to the core of this issue. This fund provides micro loans to mother-led households, as well loans to business and philanthropic ventures that help small businesses grow in the region. World Vision has created a comprehensive financial educational initiative for the women utilizing this facility to ensure they know how to best make use of these resources and are aware of any risks and intricacies of the loaning process. It is projected that this fund is set to stand to benefit over 200,000 women around Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

“The Strong Women Impact Fund will allow over 200,000 women to reach and see their own potential. It will help them raise their families out of poverty and grow their community.”

Lani Dolifka, Founder, Clean Water Here

“When women and girls gain equal access and opportunity, everyone wins.”

Kathryn Compton, CDO, World Vision USA

“The best way to bolster communities is by supporting and empowering women.”

Adrian Merryman, Chief Development & Impact Investment Officer, VisionFund