Federico Hoyos is a member of the Colombian House of Representatives and he belongs to el Partido Centro Democrático. He is a political scientist from Eafit University at Medellín and is currently completing a master’s in Government and Public Policy. In early years, Federico worked as a professor of political marketing at Eafit University and Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. He also held the position of political advisor in the campaign of the current Major of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez, and worked as an advisor at the City Council. Afterwards, he founded the political consulting firm called H Consulting and in 2012 he was recognized as the new best political consultant in Colombia by Victory Awards. He also developed the role of columnist for several newspapers such as El Colombiano, El Tiempo, and the digital magazine Kienyke.
In 2014 he ran for parliamentary elections, got elected as member of the House of Representatives, and is now one of the youngest members of the Colombian Congress at the age of 32. As congressman, Federico has organized numerous political control debates about national and local security, competitiveness, peace building in cities, and the relation between the access to internet and development. He has also presented two bills; the first seeks to guarantee the revision and accountability of free trade agreements and the second seeks to promote the use of electric vehicles through incentives.