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Speaker Nomination

Concordia extends speaker invitations to individuals that directly relate to the programming we feature at each event, following thorough, proactive research and extensive consultation with our programming partners.

To nominate a speaker for Concordia’s Annual Summit or other year-round events, please use the form below. Due to the volume of speaker recommendations Concordia receives, we are unable to discuss individual recommendations. If our programming team has questions or would like to move forward in confirming suggested speakers, we will contact you or the person you have nominated.

  • Nominee Information

  • Brief description about the individual you are recommending to speak: ex. occupation, professional expertise, awards, honors, publications, etc.
  • Concordia is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that enables public-private partnerships to create a more prosperous and sustainable future. How does this speaker further social impact initiatives or promote public-private partnerships?
  • (Website, Twitter, etc.)
  • Your Information