As the judges review applications for the 2015 P3 Impact Award, we are taking a look back at last year's finalists. First up is the winner of the 2014 P3 Impact Award, CocoaLink.Read More
On July 8th, 2015, Concordia will launch its inaugural campaign on labor trafficking.Read More
On Thursday, June 25th, 2015, Concordia co-hosted a roundtable with Eurasia Group featuring Rebecca Jarvis of ABC News and former Colombian President, Álvaro Uribe Vélez.Read More
On Thursday, June 25th, Concordia will host a conversation with Álvaro Uribe Vélez, the former President of Colombia, and current Senator, on promoting democracy in Latin America. Elected during a period of significant political and social turmoil in Colombia, Uribe ran as an independent candidate with a platform focused on disbanding the Colombian guerilla group, FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia or Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia).Read More
Global Partnerships Week (GPW), a week-long collaboration between the U.S. Department of State Secretary’s Office for Global Partnerships, Concordia, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), was a great way to bring together new faces and some familiar ones to help expand networks within the P3 space.Read More
Mutual benefits are the key in creating public-private partnerships (P3s). A P3 involves the sharing of public and private sectors’ perspectives and capabilities. Both sides could gain successful results by working together on their respective desires and needs.Read More
On Tuesday, February 10, 2015, Concordia joined with Eurasia Group to co-host a conversation between José María Aznar, former President of the Government of Spain, Maria Bartiromo, Global Markets Editor & Anchor for Fox Business Network, and key stakeholders from both the Concordia community and Eurasia Group network. The discussion focused on a timely topic: the geopolitical climate in Europe and immediate challenges facing the Eurozone.Read More
The 2014 Concordia Summit presented a packed schedule with several thought-provoking panels and impressive speakers on its plenary stage. Off the main stage, however, speakers had yet another opportunity to explain their passion for public-private collaboration and why they wanted to participate in this year’s Summit. Read More
Next week, a delegation from the International Republican Institute (IRI) will observe Ukraine's parliamentary elections. Leadership Council member Anita McBride will serve as one of the delegates. Anita McBride is the executive in residence at the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University’s School of Public Affairs and former chief of staff to First Lady Laura Bush.Read More
While water covers 70 percent of the planet, less than 1 percent of the world’s fresh water is accessible for people and nature. By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortages, jeopardizing the health of ecosystems around the globe.Read More
Want to speak with a former Head of State about entrepreneurship and politics? Pick the brain of a social impact innovator forging public-private partnerships for health services in the field? Share your thoughts on successful business leadership with a CEO of a major corporation? Gain insight into the inner workings of the White House?Read More