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facebook privacy scandal co 220x220 - The Data Scandal: What can we learn?

The Data Scandal: What can we learn?

An interview with Dave King, CEO of Digitalis Reputation Read More

19250509 10213485933485357 502523102851522574 o 1 220x220 - Key Insights into Concordia’s Evolution: Q&A with Jon Benítez

Key Insights into Concordia’s Evolution: Q&A with Jon Benítez

Having joined Concordia in 2013 and followed its journey from the very early stages, our Events Manager, Jon Benítez, has a unique perspective on how the organization has grown in different dimensions, as well as interesting insights into the team’s efforts to promote and position Concordia’s work to its members, partners, and event attendees.Read More

20120927EF ConcordiaSummit 0637 220x220 - Concordia welcomes Dr. Kerry Healey, President of Babson College, to its Leadership Council

Concordia welcomes Dr. Kerry Healey, President of Babson College, to its Leadership Council

With three decades of service in academia, government, and humanitarian work both in the United States and globally, Dr. Kerry Healey brings with her unique insight into partnership building with a focus on entrepreneurship. From 2003 to 2007, Dr. Healey held the position of 70th Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts under Governor Mitt Romney, and served… Read More

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The Challenge of our Time

A note from Concordia Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO Matthew A. SwiftRead More

2018CAI 220x220 - Concordia Announces 2018 Americas Initiative & Colombian Presidential Debate

Concordia Announces 2018 Americas Initiative & Colombian Presidential Debate

NEW YORK, March 26, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/

In partnership with the Instituto de Ciencia Política Hernán Echavarría Olózaga, Fenalco, Noticias RCN, and NTN24, Concordia, a global nonprofit, nonpartisan convener, idea incubator, and partnership broker, has established its 2018 Americas Initiative, to include roundtable discussions, a presidential debate, and the 2018 Concordia Americas Summit. As the 2018 Colombian elections shape up to be… Read More

Maria 220x220 - Fostering Dialogue in Colombia for Societal Transformation: Q&A with María Paula Correa

Fostering Dialogue in Colombia for Societal Transformation: Q&A with María Paula Correa

Always proactive and passionate about challenges, our Senior Director of Strategic Engagement shares her insights into the impact of Concordia’s upcoming events in Colombia, along with highlights of her journey at the organization so far.Read More

Dise%C3%B1o sin t%C3%ADtulo 3 220x220 - Establishing the Foundations for Growth: Q&A with Adriana Henriquez

Establishing the Foundations for Growth: Q&A with Adriana Henriquez

Passionate about startups and processes, our Operations Manager takes us through her experiences at Concordia over the past year, and shares her perspectives around what lies ahead for the organization over the coming months. Read More

219097fa 2726 4d62 9532 487ff91bdbf0 2 220x220 - Transforming Conversation into Collaboration: Q&A with Hanne Dalmut

Transforming Conversation into Collaboration: Q&A with Hanne Dalmut

This week, we sit down with Hanne Dalmut, the brains behind Concordia’s partnership brokering. As Director of the organization’s newly-established Partnership Development Department, Hanne gives her insight into the work of the team and talks us through two of her latest projects.Read More

PartnershipDevelopment 220x220 - Concordia Introduces Partnership Development Department

Concordia Introduces Partnership Development Department

Dear friends, It is with great excitement that we announce the formation of our new Partnership Development Department. Against the backdrop of an increasingly partisan world, Concordia believes partnerships and inclusivity are the key to a prosperous future. The development of this dedicated department represents a big step for our organization in proactively serving our community… Read More

38088055676 ae8738f028 o 220x220 - A Future Powered By Partnerships: Q&A with Matt Swift

A Future Powered By Partnerships: Q&A with Matt Swift

With the new year quickly upon us, Matthew Swift, Concordia’s Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO, sits down to reflect on the key moments in what was a transformative year for Concordia, and explains how the organization is more poised than ever to foster, elevate, and sustain partnerships for social impact in 2018. Read More

HappyHolidaysWeb2 220x220 - Happy Holidays from Concordia

Happy Holidays from Concordia

Dear friends,  As the year draws to a close, we continue to reflect on what has been a transformative year for Concordia. From hosting our first international summits to convening the largest forum alongside the United Nations General Assembly, we are more poised than ever to achieve positive social impact in 2018. Against the backdrop… Read More