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Concordia is partnering with Fenalco to advance the economic development of Colombia by engaging the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. The programming partnership continues much of the work that took place during the 2018 Concordia Americas Summit, for which Fenalco was an official partner.

Working to further develop commercial relations, Fenalco is the largest trade association in Colombia, with over 18,000 affiliates. Fenalco provides innovative services for businesses, advocates for the private sector in public policy formulation, and operates its own think tank—all to address and discuss the challenges that Colombia is facing.

This programming partnership aligns with Concordia’s Americas Initiative, which began in 2011. At the 2018 Concordia Americas Summit in Bogotá, Colombia in July 2018, Concordia partnered with Fenalco to provide the first international convening following the country’s presidential elections, engaging both the incoming and outgoing presidential administrations. The Summit featured President Santos, President-elect Duque, Vice President-elect Ramírez (now President and Vice President, respectively), and former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden, among many Colombian private sector leaders.

With Fenalco’s support, the 2018 Concordia Annual Summit will take a big Latin American focus, with a continuation of the dialogues that took place at the Americas Summit. The Annual Summit will hear from President Duque, President of Brazil Michel Temer, and First Lady of Panama Lorena Castillo de Varela on a variety of topics and challenges that affect both the Latin American community and the world at large.

To learn more about Fenalco, please visit www.fenalco.com.co

To learn more about the 2018 Concordia Annual Summit, visit www.concordia.net/annualsummit/2018annualsummit



“Fenalco played an instrumental role in driving the programming of our 2018 Americas Summit, and I am thrilled to be continuing this relationship. Concordia’s Americas Initiative is something that I’m very excited about and very eager to grow, and its impact in Latin America would not have been possible without Fenalco’s support,” Matthew Swift, Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO of Concordia