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Concordia is pleased to share some important developments to its Board of Directors. Caroline Scullin has been appointed Vice Chair of the Board, Adriana Henriquez is Chair of the Audit & Finance Committee, Gurdip Paintal is Board Treasurer, and Benjamin Plumer is Board Secretary. The full Board of Directors can be found here.  

Concordia’s Board plays a key role in ensuring the continued success and growth of the organization, while staying true to the core social impact-focused mission. Board Members bring to the table a distinct area of expertise, whether that be hands-on experience in building successful cross-sector partnerships for social impact, or sharp management acumen that ensures a path toward sustainable finances, operations and strict legal & ethical compliance. 

These latest appointments are a crucial step in ensuring that the Board is set up in the most effective way possible to guide the development and growth of Concordia. 

For any questions, contact Benjamin Plumer at bplumer@concordia.net.