As an institution, Concordia is highly invested in the security and prosperity of the Americas and has prioritized collaboration across the Western Hemisphere as focal point of our 2017 programming and beyond. To address the most pressing challenges of the region through the lens of partnership, we hosted our first international convening, the Concordia Americas Summit in Bogotá on February 21, 2017.
This exclusive, invitation-only event convened over 200 public and private sector leaders for highlevel Strategic Dialogues to address the political and economic priorities of Colombia and the region more broadly. These dynamic and participatory discussions, where everyone around the table was encouraged to contribute, served as high-level working groups. This intimate gathering encouraged conversations between heads of state, high ranking government officials, CEOs, and leaders of multilateral organizations who explored three major issue areas, including: regional corruption, the implementation of the recently approved peace deal, and a roadmap to achieving the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. These discussions produced strategic deliverables, including policy recommendations, collections of challenge opportunities, and repositories of best practices.
As part of Concordia’s Campaign for a Sustainable Global Food Supply, a private roundtable discussion was held concurrently with Americas Summit programming on inefficiencies in food sustainability across Latin America. The day’s programming also featured a roundtable hosted by Summit Collaborator the Seleni Institute that focused on parental leave policies across Latin America. The Concordia Day of Engagement, entitled “P3s for Conservation & Peacebuilding,” took place in partnership with Conservation International following the Summit on February 22 to allow select participants to witness firsthand some of the issues discussed the day prior.
For the full Concordia Americas Summit Report click here.