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In the summer of 2011, on the 10-year anniversary of the September 11 attacks, Concordia was founded by two friends with the goal of building cross-sector partnerships to counter extremism. Since then, we’ve grown into a platform that brings together disparate political voices, emerging activists, budding entrepreneurs, and business leaders from across all political, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds. All this has been in the name of fostering meaningful, impactful dialogue, healthy debate, and innovative solutions to the most pressing issues of our time. Moreover, it is the willingness to join one another at the table—and a shared vision of the immense benefits that arise from doing so—that continues to make this invaluable dialogue possible. 

Today we remember all those who perished on this tragic day 18 years ago and honor the sacrifice of first responders, police officers, and others who rallied to support those in danger.

Ultimately, we believe in a world where, one day sustainable peace and security are not merely an aspiration, but a reality. Through Concordia, our greatest mission is to continue building bridges with the global community, in the hope that such a tragedy –– and the many daily tragedies facing populations around the world –– may never befall us again.