The 2018 Concordia Americas Summit, hosted on July 16-17 in Bogotá, Colombia, provided the first major international convening following the country’s presidential elections. Welcoming over 1,000 leaders from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, the Americas Summit provided critical, action-oriented insight into a diverse array of opportunities—and challenges—facing both Colombia and Latin America as a whole.
The 2018 Americas Summit Report features spotlights with our keynote speakers—President Santos, President-elect Duque, Vice President-elect Ramírez (now Former President, President, and Vice President, respectively), Former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden, and Administrator of USAID Mark Green. It also features a summary of the interview between Concordia Leadership Council Member Gen. (Ret.) David H. Petraeus and Former President Santos during one of his final appearances as President of the Republic of Colombia, as well as summaries of the main themes explored throughout the Summit and key next steps.