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With 25 years passing since the implementation of Law 100 in 1993, there is a need to evaluate its impact and explore new tools for Colombia’s health system. Even though the country has seen notable advances in terms of coverage and access, along with a reduction in poverty and a subsequent improvement in the welfare of Colombians since the creation of this law, the quality and timeliness of health services are causes for concern among citizens. The new government will need to address the following issues: the structure of the system; the efficiency in the allocation of public expenditure; the regulatory capacities of the State over service providers and over the supply of medicines; and, the difficulties that persist in guaranteeing access to health services for the inhabitants of rural areas.

Identifying priority issues to be faced by the incoming government and posing alternatives to properly address these situations is crucial. Against this backdrop, this roundtable aims to foster conversations among sector leaders around critical issues such as the ones mentioned above.

This event is for Concordia Members only. To learn more, please contact membership@concordia.net.


Calle 70 No. 7A-29