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Ramiro Avendano Jaramillo - Ramiro Avendaño Jaramillo

Ramiro Avendaño Jaramillo

President, Plural Comunicationes

Bio Current as of November 30, 2020

Executive with 43 years of age and 18 years of professional experience in the Telecommunications and Media industries, with responsibilities in Asia, Europe and Latin America. Currently President of Channel 1, having previously held the presidency of El Heraldo and the Board of Directors of the Colombian Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (CCIT), member of the board of directors of ProBarranquilla, Cultural Park Museum of the Caribbean, Media Association of Information (AMI, formerly Andiarios) and member of the Advisory Committee of the Board of Directors of Banco de la República Zona Costa. Member of the Young Presidents Association (YPO) and the Presidents Forum of the Universidad de los Andes. Member of the splicing team for the change of Government 2018-2022 in Colombia.

During the career with responsibilities as Vice President and General Manager of Brightstar Corporation (part of the Japanese Softbank group) for Ecuador, Colombia, Central America and the Caribbean, Commercial Vice President and equivalent for Millicom (Tigo) operations in Colombia, El Salvador, Laos and the Philippines, as well as Business Director for Telefónica in Colombia, Sales Manager for Celcaribe in Colombia (before Millicom today of América Móvil), partner and Vice President of Transcom BPO (Today Atlantic BPO) and Consultant for Diamond Cluster in Portugal.

Recognized by the Money Magazine in 2014 as one of the 50 executives under 40 leading the Colombian business world, as well as one of the 7 young Latin Americans “Generation 4.0” that have a relevant participation in the economic environment by the Latin Trade magazine in 2015

Industrial Engineer from the Javeriana University of Bogotá with an MBA from the Catholic University of Chile, with graduate studies in Entrepreneurship Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Leadership, Culture and Talent Management at EAFIT.