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Nicolas Uribe Rueda - Nicolás Uribe Rueda

Nicolás Uribe Rueda

Executive President, Bogotá Chamber of Commerce

Bio Current as of September 18, 2020

NICOLAS URIBE RUEDA, from Bogotá-Colombia, has been married to Alejandra Zavala for more than 13 years, with whom he has three children: Paloma, Paulina, and Pedro Juan.

On October 17th, 2019, Nicolás Uribe Rueda was appointed Executive President of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, position he assumed on December 16th, 2019.

In 2020 he was elected as Vice Chair for Latin America of the World Chambers Federation.

Mr. Uribe is a lawyer from Los Andes University, with studies in International Politics from the American University of Washington D.C., Public Policy of the High Government School – Los Andes University, and master’s degree in Political Action and Citizen Participation in the rule of law. He has held important positions in the public and private sectors throughout his career.

In 2020 he was selected as Vice President for Latin America of the World Chambers Federation.

Before he took office as CEO of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, he was Executive Board Member of The Bogotá International Center for Business and Exhibitions – Corferias, Member of the Arbitration Court of the Conciliation and Arbitration Center, Council and Founders Member of the Instituto de Ciencia Política (ICP) and Board Member of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.

In 2011 he founded a consulting firm (Valure Asuntos Públicos & de Gobierno) intending to contribute to the construction of favorable environments for entrepreneurs. Since then, he had worked with different commercial, industrial and agricultural sectors, in the promotion of investment, job creation and the construction of a company-friendly regulatory framework.

Between 2006 and 2010, he was Representative for Bogotáin the House of Representatives, and High Presidential Counselor for the Colombia Joven Program of the Republic of Colombia between 2002 and 2004.

During his years of public service, Nicolás developed policies for the inclusion of Colombian youth, social control programs to promote transparency in the implementation of public resources and initiatives to promote youth ventures with an emphasis on business creation. He was also the author and presenter of laws and constitutional reforms of high importance, such as the obligation of nominal and public voting in Congress, the Constitutional Reform that froze the number of councilors of the Bogotá City, the law of first employment, and various reforms in both political and justice matters. He always accompanied Congress initiatives aimed at promoting and guaranteeing freedom of enterprise and private initiative.

Mr. Uribe has been a law professor at Javeriana University, and La Sabana University.

Furthermore, since 2010 he has an opinion column in the newspaper El Espectador, one of the most important newspapers in Colombia, and, between 2012 and 2019, had acted as a panelist for “Mañanas Blu”, a radio program of Blu Radio

He has carried out high-impact journalistic activities and publications in Washington Report on the Hemisphere; Constancia en los buenos propósitos; Balance de dos años de Política de Juventud en Colombia – Author, Cómo sacar este país adelante. Colombia ante el siglo XXI – co-author, and Colombia / 2030 Vista por sus protagonistas – co-author.