Born on September 26, 1963
Law degree, graduate of the Institut d’études politiques ; graduate of the Ecole nationale d’administration (1992)
8th July 2019 : Ambassador, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations in New York
2014 -2019 : Director general for political affairs and security
2011- 2014 : Assistant Secretary for United Nations, international organizations, human rights and Francophonie
2009 – 2010 : Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations in New York
2005 – 2009 : Political Counselor, Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations in New York
2002-2005 : Counselor, Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
2001-2002 : Vice-President of EADS-Astrium
1997-2001 : First Secretary, Embassy of France in the United States, Washington
1994-1997 : First Secretary, Embassy of France in the Netherlands, The Hague
1992 – 1994 : At the United Nations and International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs