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Mr. Nasser Al Khori

Executive Director, Generation Amazing, Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC)

Bio Current as of July 6, 2022

Mr. Nasser Al Khori Executive Director – Generation Amazing, Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) Nasser Al Khori leads the programmes at Generation Amazing, the human and social legacy initiative of the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy (FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022). Generation Amazing utilizes the transformative power of football as a tool for social development to empower and upskill youth in deprived communities globally, including refugee and IDP populations. Nasser’s role was instrumental to securing key partnerships with CONCACAF and IFRC. Nasser gained an extensive experience in the non-for-profit sector having previously part of the team that led the launch of Doha Debates and many more initiatives under Qatar Foundation. He holds an MBA in Educational Leadership from UCL’s Institute of Education and holds a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University.