Mary Grady has been active in environmental markets for 28 years including over 14 years at Winrock International. She currently serves as the Executive Director of the American Carbon Registry (ACR), having overseen the issuance of 200 million tons of carbon credits from a variety of project types valued at over $1.5 billion. She also serves as the Executive Director of the Secretariat for the Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART), a jurisdictional REDD+ crediting program launched in 2018. Mary led the application process and secured approval of both ART and ACR to supply credits to the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Carbon Offsetting Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). She actively represents Winrock as an observer NGO to the UNFCCC, serves on the Council of the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), is a member of the Task Force for Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets, and serves on the Steering Committee for the World Economic Forum’s Natural Climate Solutions Alliance. Prior to working in carbon markets, Mary worked for 16 years in the renewable energy industry including as the Operations Leader of Clipper Windpower and in Brazil as the Director of Kyocera Solar’s pioneering rural electrification program. She holds a Masters in International Business and speaks Portuguese and Spanish. She lives with her family in California.