Senator Lizzie Nkosi has a Master of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy from Boston University, USA. She started her career as an occupational therapist, where she tool lead to building a rehabilitation team, the cadre and expand services across all regions in the country. and was instrumental for introduction of community-based rehabilitation services. She taught at the University of Witswatersland as a Senior Lecturer (in the Faculty of Medicine) Occupational Therapy Department. She later joined Save the Children at a time where they were managing the national program for immunisation. She was later appointed as the Country Programme Director UK for 3 years in Malawi where the assessments and mapping services programme focus was district health services, vulnerability and assess food security. She moved to Ethiopia where she was Country Programme Director for HelpAge International for five years. Program focus was empowering local civil society organisation on issues of ageing.
Upon return to Eswatini she joined the private sector where she ran her own business, with very active involvement with the surrounding communities. She was appointed Senator and Minister for Health in Nevermber 2018.