Julie is responsible for programs that help Walmart create economic opportunity, enhance sustainability and strengthen communities through philanthropic investments. Last year, the company awarded more than $1.4 billion in cash and in-kind donations, including $1 billion of food donations.
Walmart and the Walmart Foundation take a shared valued approach to its strategy to create significant and lasting improvements in the global and local systems that are relevant for their business. This includes a whole-system, multi-stakeholder effort to tackle the economic mobility of people working in retail. Over the past four years the company has taken a two-prong approach to reshape the retail sector, through both a $4B investment in training, education and wages for its own associates and through Walmart Giving’s Retail Opportunity Initiative, a five-year, $100 million sector-wide effort aimed at making it easier for front-line workers to advance their careers in retail or adjacent sectors by building transferable skills.
Julie joined Walmart in 2008 and prior to that she worked in the nonprofit community on issues of anti-racism, homelessness and community revitalization. Internationally, she has done program evaluation in Kenya and Tanzania and taught English in Eastern Europe.
Julie has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion from Rhodes College and a Master of Arts in Public Service from The Clinton School of Public Service. She was a Jane Addams-Andrew Carnegie Fellow at Indiana University’s School of Philanthropy.