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Jorge Humberto Botero

Former Minister of Trade, Republic of Colombia; President, Fasecolda

Bio Current as of February 8, 2017

Jorge Humberto Botero is the president of the Federación de Aseguradores Colombianos (Fasecolda). Previously, he served as Colombia’s minister of industry, business, and tourism during the administration of Álvaro Uribe. Botero has also been an executive director at the World Bank Group, president of Asociación Bancaria de Colombia (Asobancaria), president of the Asociación de Fondos de Pensiones y esantías (Asofondos), president of Banco Cafetero, and legal secretary at the Presidency of the Republic. Throughout his career, he has sat on a number of boards including those of Isagén, Banco de Colombia, Corporación de Ahorro y Vivienda Colmena, Banco Cafetero, Bancoldex, Instituto de Fomento Industrial (IFI), and Proexport. Botero has been a columnist at Portafilio, Dinero.com, Semana.com, El Colombiano, La República, El Heraldo, La Patria, La Silla Vacía, and Ámbito Jurídico. He earned his law degree from the Universidad de Antioquia and completed postgraduate studies in political science at West Virginia University.