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02 - Hamoon Ekhtiari

Hamoon Ekhtiari

CEO, FutureFit AI

Bio Current as of September 19, 2020

A lover of all things blueberry and/or avocado, Hamoon Ekhtiari is the Founder & CEO of FutureFit AI, an AI-powered GPS for your Career. Previously, he was the Director of Strategy and Innovation for the Executive Vice President at a $30B telecom and technology company where he led the future of work strategy for the enterprise. Prior to that, Hamoon was the Founding Director of a leadership, skills, and innovation academy at one of the world’s largest urban innovation hubs. He has also founded a social enterprise, helped build Deloitte’s consulting business in the Caribbean, and taught as adjunct faculty. Hamoon is a member of the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference, an AdR Fellow at the University of Cambridge, a recipient of University of Waterloo’s Alumni Achievement Medal, and a Canada Millennium Scholar. He is passionate about unlocking the potential of people, organizations, and societies to imagine and build more audacious futures.