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Elisa Carolina Torrenegra

President, Gestar Salud

Bio Current as of May 3, 2019

Elisa Carolina Torrenegra Cabrera is a physician, specialist in International Social Security and Services Management, has studied specific training for Latin American leaders in Health Systems at Harvard University, the University of Warwick and the University of Oxford. Additionally, she has a master’s degree in Quality Management from the University of Murcia in Spain and a training in 6 Sigma. 

She has a broad professional career, having the opportunity to perform in almost all types of actors of the General Social Security System.

Since 2002, she has been the Executive Director of GESTARSALUD, a job she currently combines with the Presidency of the Alliance of Mutualism of America (AMA), the Vice Presidency for Latin America of the International Association of Mutuality. (AIM) and the co-chair of the International Social and Solidarity Economy International Network (ESS-SSE Forum International).