With over 25 years of experience in higher education, Jason F. Simon, Ph.D. is the Associate Vice President for Data, Analytics, and Institutional Research at the University of North Texas. Jason is also an affiliate faculty member within the UNT College of Education Higher Education department. In addition to speaking regionally, nationally, and internationally, Jason writes extensively about analytic culture, future proofing institutional research, and the importance of collaboration across the educational enterprise. Jason currently serves as co-editor of a soon to be published New Directions in Institutional Research journal edition focused on transforming how higher education leaders should innovate to improve the data landscapes within their institutions. Finally, Jason served as one of two IR representatives on the impactful “Change with Analytics” joint statement issued by Educause, AIR, and NACUBO in 2019 which challenged higher education presidents and leaders to think differently about analytics and the transformative power it could have on our students and our society.