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David Levin

President & CEO, McGraw-Hill Education

Bio Current as of August 2, 2016

David Levin is the president and CEO of McGraw-Hill Education.

Since joining McGraw-Hill Education in April 2014, David is leading the transformation of the company from a traditional textbook publisher to a learning science company. Under his leadership, McGraw-Hill Education has moved to combine the science of learning with the art of teaching, harnessing software that embeds principles of psychology and cognitive science in order to enhance learning inside and outside of the classroom and deepen connections between students and teachers.

David has spent the previous fifteen years as CEO of either Technology (Symbian Software Ltd, Psion plc) or Media (UBM plc) companies.

David holds a bachelor’s degree in politics, philosophy, and economics from Oxford University and a M.B.A. from Stanford University.

He is a frequent speaker on educational issues and the transition from analog to digital.