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Paving the Way to Sustainable Development: Cross-sector Partnerships & Road Safety


Alison Collard de Beaufort, Founder, Vision Zero Youth Council
Catalina Garcia, Global Director of Corporate Affairs, AB InBev
Peter Goldwasser, Executive Director, Together for Safer Roads
Sam Stephens, President & CEO, AB InBev Foundation

With Lead Programming Partner

“I love to tell people that I think road safety is the umbrella issue and not just a subtopic that you might want to consider sometimes at some point.” Alison Collard de Beaufort
“You have to think practically and politically and tactically around how do you develop partnerships that deliver an ROI, an ROI defined broadly.” Peter Goldwasser
“We also work since many many years on eliminating drunk driving, so there's an example in South Africa that we develop together with the police bringing technology into the process to do data collection, analysis, and design interventions very effective through partnerships.” Catalina Garcia
“We recognize as a philanthropy we have a role to play. Philanthropies are great at taking risks, testing new ideas, proving concepts, and then handing those concepts off for others to scale.” Sam Stephens

Key takeaways:

  • Road safety as an element of sustainable development: Safe roads are essential for achieving progress across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Without safe roads, efforts to improve education, job access, and infrastructure are hindered.
  • The power of cross-sector partnerships: Collaborative efforts between philanthropy, corporations, NGOs, and governments amplify strengths and mitigate weaknesses as each sector brings unique advantages, leading to greater collective impact on road safety initiatives. 
  • Leveraging unique strengths: Philanthropies excel at risk-taking and testing new ideas, corporations contribute resources and expertise, and NGOs offer implementation skills. 
  • Innovation and technology in road safety: Implementing technological solutions, such as ignition interlock devices in trucks, has proven effective in improving road safety.
  • Key elements of successful partnerships: Successful collaborations share a common vision, leverage each partner’s strengths, maintain transparency, measure impact, and commit long-term to refining and scaling up effective practices. 
  • Role of data sharing and analysis: Sharing data between organizations enhances understanding of road safety issues and informs evidence-based interventions. 

Action items:

  • Road safety into sustainable development strategies: Prioritize road safety as a foundational element in all sustainable development initiatives to ensure progress across various sectors. 
  • Encourage cross-sector partnerships: Engage with organizations from different sectors to collaborate on road safety projects, leveraging collective strengths for greater impact. 
  • Invest in technological innovations: Support the development and adoption of innovative technologies that enhance road safety, such as telematics and safety devices in fleets. 
  • Promote data collaboration: Advocate for the sharing of data among corporations, NGOs, and governments to facilitate informed decision-making and effective road safety interventions. 
  • Foster long-term commitment: Establish partnerships with clear goals, open communication, and a focus on measuring and refining impact to achieve sustainable road safety outcomes. 
  • Emphasize capacity building: Support training programs and the expansion of successful road safety interventions to replicate positive results in different regions.