Dr. Teri Reynolds, Unit Head, Clinical Services and Systems, World Health Organization
Dr. Catherine Shari, Emergency Medicine Specialist, and Physician, U.S. Embassy in Tanzania
Dr. Erasto Sylvanus, Head, Emergency Medical Services, Ministry of Health, Tanzania
Dr. Hendry Sawe, Executive Director, Abbott Fund, Tanzania
Dr. Juma Mfinanga, Head, Emergency Medicine Department, Muhimbili National Hospital
Melissa Brotz, President, Abbott Fund & Vice President, Global Marketing and External Affairs, Abbott
“This is a story of practical action that can be taken elsewhere; it's a story of investment in people and processes.” Dr. Teri Reynolds
“In 2010, the first full capacity public emergency department opened at the hospital that I was working in, and I was among the first group of doctors that were posted to work in that department.” Dr. Hendry Sawe
“At that time, emergency medicine was very naive in our country, but we moved there and tried to make sure that it's developed in our country.” Dr. Juma Mfinanga
“Graduates from this program showed exceptional qualities and leadership skills; wherever you placed us, we would shine and bring the theme of quality emergency care to light.” Dr. Catherine Shari
“Overall is bringing the emergency care from the hospitals to the community, and this one is the most impactful thing that we are heading, and I think the future is brighter.” Dr. Erasto Sylvanus
“Act in good faith and always be transparent and open, and build that reciprocal trust over time.” Melissa Brotz