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Livable Cities: The Cross-Sector Role in Building a Low-Emissions Future


Cassie Sutherland, Managing Director, Climate Solutions and Networks, C40 Cities
Dara Khosrowshahi, CEO, Uber
The Hon. Gina McCarthy, Former Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2013-2017)
The Hon. Meera Joshi, Deputy Mayor for Operations, City of New York

With Lead Programming Sponsor

“A lot of these assets have very low utilization, and we're trying now to get riders in the same car to share the same car so you drive down congestion, you drive down your emissions as well, and you come back to affordability. So affordable, sustainable, shared is what we're trying to achieve.” Dara Khosrowshahi, CEO, Uber
“Taking action on climate change is not a sacrifice; it is the biggest opportunity that we've ever had in the world to develop a system that is equitable, a system that is fair, that keeps people alive and healthy.” The Hon. Gina McCarthy
“Our goal in reducing emissions in the three areas that produce the most—buildings, transportation, and food—is to make sure that we intertwine it in everyday New Yorkers' lives so they don't have to think about it, that it's part of how they go about their business.” The Hon. Meera Joshi
“We're looking forward to spending the next 20 minutes with you to discuss livable cities and how really different sectors can take leading action and collaborate to achieve cities that are low emission, climate resilient, healthy, full of green jobs, and are fair and equal for all.” Cassie Sutherland

Key takeaways:

  • Climate action as opportunity: Taking action on climate change is not a sacrifice but the biggest opportunity to develop an equitable and fair system that keeps people alive and healthy. 
  • Job creation through climate initiatives: Climate policies can drive job creation and economic growth, particularly in sectors like energy efficiency and sustainable transportation. For example, New York City expects to create thousands of jobs through mandates to reduce building emissions. 
  • Strong emission reduction mandates: Implementing strong mandates, such as New York City’s aim to reduce emissions in buildings over 25,000 square feet by 40% by 2030 and achieving net-zero by 2050, can significantly contribute to climate goals and job creation. 
  • Integrating climate policy with daily life: Successfully implementing climate policies requires intertwining them with the everyday lives of citizens who are preoccupied with daily challenges like paying rent and going to work. 
  • Addressing inequities in climate impacts: Climate impacts disproportionately affect the most vulnerable. Ensuring that communities left behind have a fair shot at economic advancement is essential to generate the political will needed for climate leadership. 
  • Collaboration for resilience: There is a forced interest from both the private sector and government to collaborate on protection measures such as tree canopies, resiliency walls, and inland flooding prevention, recognizing that climate issues affect entire regions. 
  • Affordable, sustainable, shared transportation: The future of global living includes making transportation affordable, sustainable (electric), and shared to reduce congestion and emissions while enhancing affordability. 

Action items:

  • Invest in energy efficiency initiatives: Prioritize investments in energy efficiency and building emissions reduction initiatives to create jobs and reduce climate impacts, following models like New York City’s Local Law 97
  • Enhance electric vehicle infrastructure: Develop convenient electric vehicle charging infrastructure and provide incentives to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles.
  • Ensure equitable climate resilience: Implement measures that provide vulnerable communities with protection against climate impacts and opportunities for economic advancement to address systemic inequities. 
  • Foster public-private collaboration: Encourage collaboration between the private sector and government to implement necessary protection measures against climate impacts, acknowledging the collective nature of these challenges. 
  • Promote shared transportation solutions: Support shared transportation initiatives to decrease congestion and emissions, making sustainable transportation options affordable and accessible for all.
  • Engage communities in climate policy: Integrate climate policy implementation with the daily lives of citizens to increase public engagement and support for sustainable practices, making them relevant to their immediate concerns.