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2024 P3 Impact Award Winner Announcement


Hanne LeCount, Senior Director, Partnerships, Concordia
The Hon. Dorothy McAuliffe, Special Representative for Global Partnerships, U.S Department of State
George Roberts, Global Impact Partnership Lead, Bayer on behalf of The Challenge Initiative

“Concordia is a powerful place where all voices are heard and welcomed.” Hanne LeCount
“Public-private partnerships do the work that governments and private sector cannot do alone.” The Hon. Dorothy McAuliffe
“They're partnering with local governments to help deliver high-quality family planning services in low- to moderate-income countries in Asia and in Africa.” George Roberts

Key takeaways:

  • The importance of public-private partnerships: Public-private partnerships are crucial for addressing pressing global issues that neither governments nor private sectors can tackle alone. The P3 Impact Award recognizes exemplary partnerships that provide innovative solutions to global challenges. 
  • Recognition of The Challenge Initiative (TCI): The Challenge Initiative (TCI) was announced as the winner of the 2024 P3 Impact Award. TCI engages with over 200 city governments across 13 countries to implement high-impact family planning programs, addressing rapid urbanization in Africa and Asia. 

Action items:

  • Foster public-private partnerships: Identify opportunities for collaboration between governments, private sector, NGOs, and other stakeholders to address global challenges.
  • Engage with successful initiatives: Learn from and support programs like The Challenge Initiative that have demonstrated impact in areas such as family planning and urban development.
  • Participate in convening platforms: Actively engage in events and platforms like Concordia’s Annual Summit to network, share ideas, and build partnerships.
  • Promote recognition of partnerships: Encourage the nomination and recognition of impactful partnerships through awards and public acknowledgment to inspire others.