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Voices of Youth


Moritz Gassmann, Student, Schülerforschungszentrum Südwürttemberg (SFZ)
Mattis Kley, Student, Schülerforschungszentrum Südwürttemberg (SFZ)
Jackline Wambua, Undergraduate, Stanford University


with Principal Programming Partner

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“Seize the power within you. And let us stop the talk of governments needing to do this – we need to do this. And ask yourself today, what do I need to do? How can I get us there? And when you answer that question, look for collaboration.”

– Jackline Wambua

“We wanted to take matters into our own hands and create our own renewable energy project.”

– Mattis Kley

“Thanks to the prize, it became possible to realize even bigger projects in renewable energy production.”

– Moritz Gassmann

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • The active engagement of young people is crucial for shaping a better future and prompting positive global change. It taps into the enthusiasm, commitment, and fresh viewpoints of youth to address pressing concerns such as climate change and social inequality.
  • Taking action at the local level plays a pivotal role in addressing sustainability challenges. Initiatives like cost-saving measures in schools and the development of renewable energy projects illustrate the significance of grassroots endeavors in bringing about meaningful transformations.
  • There is an immediate need for collaborative endeavors and innovative strategies to attain sustainability objectives and address climate change. It is imperative to unite across various sectors and embrace inventive approaches to expedite progress toward a more sustainable and just future.