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The Role of Business in ‘Doing Good’


Holly Copeland, Executive Director, CSR, Sustainability & Impact, Horizon Therapeutics
Mark Reading, Head of Foundation, Atlassian


with Patron Programming Sponsor 

2560px Horizon Therapeutics logo.svg - The Role of Business in ‘Doing Good’

“The advent of ESG is changing the dialogue.” 

– Holly Copeland

“Provided that the commitment to impact is authentic, then the business benefits flow.”

– Mark Reading

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • Horizon Therapeutics is a member of the Pledge 1% movement, which encourages businesses to commit to using a percentage of equity, profits, employee time, or products for social impact and corporate social responsibility. 
  • Pledging 1% of your equity early on in a company’s development allows companies to scale social impact over time, create residual value, and boost company growth. 
  • The authenticity of a company’s commitment to social impact is tested during challenging times. Horizon Therapeutics doubled its philanthropic budget during the COVID-19 pandemic, reinforcing the commitment Horizon Therapeutics has to social good. 
  • The key to successful social impact efforts is finding common ground with various stakeholders within the company. Aligning the impact with the values and interests of different departments helps create a cohesive approach. 
  • When working with nonprofit partners, approaching partnerships with humility and a willingness to understand their needs and expertise is crucial.