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Sovereign Equity and Diversity: Attracting Global Wealth and Talent


H.E. Dritan Abazović, Prime Minister, Montenegro
Dr. Juerg Steffen, CEO, Henley & Partners Holdings Ltd.

“The size of a country is not too important in this globalized world; it is important how big is our will.” 

– H.E. Abazović Dritan

“Human history is a story of migration and movement.” 

– Dr. Juerg Steffen

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • Migration is a natural part of human history, driven by factors like conflict and opportunity. Prime Minister Dritan Abazović sees borders as an administrative construct and advocates for the freedom of movement, highlighting the desire of Montenegro to accept migrants seeking economic opportunities and a dignified life in accordance with Montenegro’s cosmopolitan spirit. 
  • Montenegro is actively promoting itself as an attractive destination for digital nomads. The government of Montenegro has allocated significant funding to support startups and is offering benefits to digital nomads, highlighting its favorable climate, affordable living, and proximity to work opportunities. 
  • Prime Minister Dritan Abazović emphasizes Montenegro’s open and positive outlook, highlighting Montenegro’s welcoming environment for migrants, digital nomads, and investors. His vision for Montenegro includes growth, economic development, and an embrace of globalized opportunities, utilizing the country’s strengths such as its natural beauty, favorable climate, and affordability.