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Shifting Security: A Conversation on Taiwan


T.H. Bi-khim Hsiao, Representative to the United States, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO)
Daniel Russel, Vice President International Security and Diplomacy, Asia Society Policy Institute


with Lead Programming Partner

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“The world benefits greatly from what Taiwan has to offer.” 

– T.H. Bi-khim Hsiao

“Taiwan plays a big and outsized role in regional growth, regional stability, and international security.” 

– Daniel Russel

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • The US-Taiwan relationship is built on shared values such as democracy, freedom, market-based economies, security, prosperity, and peace. These shared values and interests are the foundation of the strong relationship. 
  • Both Taiwan and the U.S. are committed to preserving the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, as it contributes to regional stability, economic growth, and global prosperity. Any disruption to this stability is a matter of international consequence. 
  • Taiwan faces various challenges to the status quo, including military and economic coercion, cyberattacks, political warfare, and disinformation. These challenges require a multifaceted approach, including building defenses, strengthening international partnerships, and promoting economic resilience. 
  • On the global stage, Taiwan seeks to overcome political isolation and actively contribute to international institutions and global challenges, such as the fight to control the COVID-19 pandemic.