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Investment and Growth Opportunities in Renewable Energy Resources


Josef Abramowitz, CEO, Gigawatt Global
Allison Carlson, Executive Vice President, Foreign Policy
Nangula Nelulu Uaandja, CEO & Chairperson, Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board; Senior Advisor, Concordia
Kahenge Simson Haulofu, Managing Director, Namibia Power Corporation


with Lead Programming Partner

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“We need to make sure we drive inclusive growth so none of our people are left behind.”   

– Nangula Nelulu Uaandja

“Partnerships are going to be incredibly important, particularly with an energy resource such as hydrogen and green hydrogen.” 

– Allison Carlson

“The system overall is broken and it holds back great leaders from bringing in the private sector.” 

– Josef Abramowitz

“To roll out schemes that bring and connect people to the grid takes a lot of discussion, especially in the space of investment.” 

– Kahenge Simson Haulofu

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • There is a huge need for investment as the African continent, including Namibia, requires significant capital mobilization, estimated at around $500 billion in climate finance, to achieve its climate goals by 2030. 
  • Namibia is exploring the production of green hydrogen as a visionary project, recognizing the potential for renewable energy sources like hydrogen to play a vital role in the future energy landscape. 
  • Multilateral partnerships, including collaborations with governments, development finance institutions, and the private sector, are crucial in shaping Namibia’s green economic recovery and facilitating investment in renewable energy.