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The Public Arena Playbook: Democratizing Political Communications Know-how For The AI Age


Ryan Heath, Co-author, Axios AI+ Axios
Nathaniel Lubin, President, Incite Studio
Juri Schnöller, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Cosmonauts & Kings
Juliana Uribe, CEO and Founder, Movilizatorio

“To address the challenges posed by AI in democratic contexts, there is a need for a multi-stakeholder approach that includes government, tech companies, civil society, and individuals.”

– Juliana Uribe

“Let’s not sleep, let’s roll up our sleeves, and most importantly, try to make this public arena a better place.”

– Juri Schnöller

“We need to do more to encourage positive voices, particularly trusted voices with communities of importance, to have more reach and more resources, both using AI context, but in spite of AI context.”

– Nathaniel Lubin

“We’re going from repression and AI to revitalizing democracy and AI.”

– Ryan Heath

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • The rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI technology has taken many by surprise and is influencing diverse facets of society, encompassing political and democratic spheres.
  • Tackling the issues brought about by AI in democratic environments will require adopting a collaborative approach involving government, technology companies, civil society, and individuals. Equipping people with AI literacy and media literacy skills is of utmost importance.
  • AI literacy and media literacy is crucial to empower individuals in effectively navigating the information landscape shaped by AI.
  • Foster cooperation and the exchange of knowledge among various stakeholders to devise strategies and tools that bolster trust and foster democratic engagement in the digital era.
  • Playbook is the first open-source educational platform for civic communication in the age of AI, and it was launched by Public Arena Academy at the 2023 Annual Summit.