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Unlocking the Potential of Human Mobility Through Public-Private Partnerships


Amy Pope, Director General Elect, USA for IOM
Mauricio Ramos, CEO, Millicom
Dr. Bobbi Wegner, Founder/CEO, Lecturer, and Board Member, Groops


with Patron Programming Partner

USA for IOM logos - Unlocking the Potential of Human Mobility Through Public-Private Partnerships

“When migration is done well, it can be an enabler of development.” 

– Amy Pope

“Migration is not something that happens at the border, which is the narrow view of it.”

– Mauricio Ramos

“There has to be private-public sector partnerships to actually make a change.”

– Dr. Bobbi Wegner

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • Migration, when managed effectively and responsibly, can be a catalyst for development. It not only benefits migrants by providing them with opportunities for personal and professional growth, but it also enriches the communities they join. 
  • The private sector has a crucial role to play in supporting and enabling migration. This goes beyond financial contributions; it involves providing tools, resources, and mentorship to migrants. By actively engaging with migrants and their communities, the private sector can help unlock the full potential of migration as a force for positive change. 
  • Migration is a multifaceted phenomenon that extends beyond border issues. It encompasses various aspects, including investment, job creation, and security, in both the countries of origin and destination. A comprehensive approach to migration recognizes the interconnectedness of these factors. 
  • Digital connectivity, such as access to broadband, is a powerful tool for empowering migrants. It not only facilitates communication and access to information but also provides opportunities for skill development. 
  • Access to mentorship and training programs through digital platforms can enhance migrants’ chances of success in their new environments.