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A Conversation with the Global Tech Security Commission


Michelle Giuda, CEO, Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy; Senior Advisor, Concordia
H.E. Kersti Kaljulaid, Founder, President Kaljulaid Foundation
T.H. Keith Krach, Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy; Leadership Council Member, Concordia

“The first thing is to really make everybody understand that absolutely every totalitarian regime which is economically big enough will over-exercise itself and it will over-exercise itself because there is no democratic control.”

– H.E. Kersti Kaljulaid

“Technology must advance freedom.”

– Michelle Guida

“The reality we face in the free world is one of seamless, ceaseless intense variations of weaponized techno-economic competition.”

– T.H. Keith Krach

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • The Global Tech Security Commission collaboratively crafts a comprehensive global tech security strategy, uniting commissioners from 15 nations and diverse tech sectors, emphasizing the importance of international collaboration.
  • Standardizing technology encourages trust, crucial in emerging areas like 5G. It necessitates standardized processes to secure privacy, given tech’s growing centrality in daily life and infrastructure.
  • Authoritarian governments engaging in activities inconsistent with democratic values, such as privacy breaches and cyberattacks, require proactive responses by democratic nations.
  • Cooperation among democratic nations is essential to address challenges posed by non-democratic regimes. The Global Tech Security Commission advocates for unified strategies within alliances like the Quad and Five Eyes, safeguarding democratic principles and reducing risks.
  • Centers of excellence, like Estonia’s, advance cyber knowledge and legal frameworks. They aid nations in managing complex cyber threats. Corporations and boards must establish contingency plans, considering potential geopolitical impacts on the private sector to protect shareholder interests.