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Fighting Misinformation and Safeguarding Information Integrity: Strategies for the Digital Age


Paige Alexander, CEO, The Carter Center
T.H. Elizabeth M. Allen, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Pat Condo, Founder & CEO, Seekr Technologies, Inc.
John Gable, Founder & CEO, AllSides
T.H. Stuart Holliday, CEO, Meridian International Center
T.H. Dorothy McAuliffe, Special Representative for Global Partnerships, U.S. Department of State


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ct - Fighting Misinformation and Safeguarding Information Integrity: Strategies for the Digital Age

“Everybody can put whatever they want online, but we need these checks and balances because people exist in their echo chamber and they continue to read the people they think are speaking truth to power.”

– Paige Alexander

“The question of who is your messenger, and not just what your message is, is sort of the key question in communications these days.”

– T.H. Elizabeth M. Allen

It’s our responsibility as a democracy to train, educate, and get citizens informed.

– Pat Condo

“It almost seems like the world’s sort of upside down in terms of where the truth is.”

– Stuart Holliday

“In this digital age, it is imperative that governments and the private sector work together to fight misinformation online.”

– Dorothy McAuliffe

“We have a global crisis of credibility. We don’t know what to believe, or we believe things that aren’t true, or at least partially aren’t true, and are a thousand percent convinced we’re correct.”

– John Gable

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • There is an urgent need to foster critical thinking skills, especially among young people, to navigate the complex landscape of misinformation and disinformation.
  • Government agencies, private sector organizations, and civil society must collaborate to address the challenges posed by misinformation and disinformation effectively. Partnerships with influencers, third-party organizations, and educational institutions are crucial.
  • The information landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by technology. While artificial intelligence (AI) and technology can contribute to the problem, they can also be part of the solution. AI can provide analytics and measurement capabilities for combating misinformation.
  • Shaping the information environment involves not just exposing misinformation but also proactively promoting truthful information. Supporting free media, digital literacy, and internet freedom are essential components of this effort.
  • Despite the complexity of the misinformation problem, increased awareness, education, and collective efforts can lead to a more informed and critical-thinking society, ultimately improving the information ecosystem.