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Critical Minerals: The Building Blocks of Decarbonization


Dr. Gracelin Baskaran, Research Director for Energy Security and Climate Change, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Lawrence M. Dechambenoit, Global Head of External Affairs, Rio Tinto
Lisa Jacobson, President, Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE)
Andrew Kireta Jr., President & CEO, Copper Development Association (CDA)
Karin Svensson, Chief Sustainability Officer, Volvo


with Lead Programming Partner

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“I think the main thing the U.S. government can do is be a convener.” 

– Lawrence Dechambenoit

“There is a lot of policy space out there to really make a difference in terms of recycling across all the critical minerals.” 

– Andrew Kireta Jr.

“Critical minerals are the most bipartisan issue in modern memory.” 

– Dr. Gracelin Baskaran

“Critical minerals are essential to providing modern energy services and economic prosperity and achieving our sustainability goals.” 

– Lisa Jacobson

“To contribute to more sustainable mining we need less emissions, higher productivity, and more safety in the mines.” 

– Karin Svensson

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • Critical minerals have become increasingly important in the context of the energy transition. They are essential for modern energy services, sustainability goals, and achieving environmental targets. 
  • Collaboration between the private sector and government is crucial. Policymakers, industry leaders, and other stakeholders need to work together to address the challenges posed by the demand for critical minerals. 
  • Responsible and sustainable mining practices are critical. Mining companies must prioritize environmental impact reduction, restoration of mined areas, and ensuring positive contributions to the countries in which they operate. 
  • Transparency throughout the value chain is crucial. Stakeholders, including governments, should work to enhance transparency, enforce ESG (environmental, social, and governance) standards, and create a uniform approach to social license to operate.