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Amazon Unearthed: Solutions for Environmental Preservation


Telma Ortiz, Associate Manager of External Relations & Strategy, Concordia
Victor Salviati, Director of Institutional Development and Innovation, Foundation for Amazon Sustainability

“If right now I can give you the power and all the resources to implement an action for rainforest preservation, what would it be?”

– Telma Ortiz

“We really need to work for this next generation. We need to work to conserve the conservation of the forest.”

– Victor Salviati

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • Addressing inequality and combating illegal activities are key challenges for Amazon rainforest conservation.
  • Collaboration among governments, NGOs, businesses, and local communities is essential to protect the Amazon and promote sustainable practices.
  • Prioritize conservation efforts that leverage indigenous knowledge and practices, ensuring wise use of the region’s resources.
  • To raise global awareness and scale up conservation initiatives, engage with media, involve indigenous leaders and communities, conduct scientific research, and strengthen partnerships.