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Tackling the Climate Emergency

Christopher Barnard, National Policy Director, American Conservation Coalition
Rep. Byron Donalds, Congressman, U.S. House of Representatives

The climate emergency requires the urgent leadership of individuals, according to Christopher Barnard, National Policy Director of the American Conservation Coalition. It especially requires the participation of Republicans who are now more willing to come to the table. Looking at the practical effects of climate change, Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) noted that his state is already dealing with sea level rise and extreme temperatures. One key component necessary to address the crisis is access to resources to build mitigating infrastructure.

Turning to the idea of zero emissions, Barnard asked the Congressman to explain his position. Congressman Donalds insisted that we do not yet have the capacity to produce needed energy with zero emissions so he recommended an energy matrix that incorporates a variety of fuel sources. Our nuclear technology is in the 2030s but our mindset remains in the 1970s, and everyone needs cheap, available, and plentiful energy, Congressman Donalds said. Until then, zero emissions cannot be the primary concern. Barnard suggested that all options should be on the table and should not be held back by onerous regulations. Congressman Donalds agreed that the market should decide winners and losers, not the government. Ending the discussion, Barnard reaffirmed that solving for the effects of climate change requires conservatives to be part of the solution rather than on the sidelines.

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • Republicans need to come to the table to help address and mitigate the effects of climate change and other environmental issues. These are issues that require bipartisan input. 
  • We need to be both practical and aspirational. Targets like zero emissions are worthwhile but only if we can continue to provide the energy that people need for their daily lives. Otherwise, the poorest will suffer most. 

“One of the big problems right now that we see is to what extent the regulatory regime in this country is holding back energy infrastructure and energy innovation.”


Christopher Barnard, National Policy Director, American Conservation Coalition

“All citizens must have access to affordable energy.”


Rep. Byron Donalds, Congressman, U.S. House of Representatives