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Remarks: Raul Salinas, Managing Shareholder, AlvaradoSmith; General Counsel USHCC; Concordia Leadership Council Member

With Patron Programming Partner

USHCC Logo - Remarks: Raul Salinas, Managing Shareholder, AlvaradoSmith; General Counsel USHCC; Concordia Leadership Council Member

Raul Salinas, Managing Shareholder, AlvaradoSmith; General Counsel, USHCC; Concordia Leadership Council Member

The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce represents more than 5 million Hispanic enterprises throughout the country, explained Raul Salinas, Managing Shareholder at AlvaradoSmith, General Counsel to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and Concordia Leadership Council Member. It also serves as an umbrella organization for more than 250 local Hispanic chambers. Salinas announced the launch of a partnership with Concordia, noting that the groups share common interests in entrepreneurship. Salinas highlighted efforts to increase supplier diversity and board representation, explaining that when diversity grows the economy thrives. 

The GDP of Hispanic-owned businesses in the U.S. is almost $3 trillion, which alone would be the seventh largest in the world, Salinas continued. Small businesses in particular are job creators. Problems remain: the COVID-19 pandemic heightened frailty in our domestic economy and globally, human trafficking in supply chains needs addressing, and sustaining ethical supply has been a challenge. Public-private partnerships will be an invaluable tool.  

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • Hispanic-owned businesses are a vibrant and important part of the U.S. economy, represented by the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
  • The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Concordia will work together to help strengthen entrepreneurship.

“Small businesses, we know, are the job creators of America and diversity is key to solving the supply chain issues throughout the country.”


Raul Salinas, Managing Shareholder, AlvaradoSmith; General Counsel, USHCC; Concordia Leadership Council Member