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The Transformative Role of Nature-Positive Cities


Sebastian Navarro – Secretary-General, CC35
Cristina Gomez – Lead, Nature-Positive Cities, World Economic Forum
Chris Ballard – CEO, Passive House Canada
His Worship Andrew Swaby – Mayor, Kingston & St. Andrew Municipal Corporation

the transformative role of nature positive cities 768x512 - The Transformative Role of Nature-Positive Cities

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • Nature-based solutions have shown many positive results economically and environmentally. For example, a filtering system for wetlands in Canada can open up land for development, which has a high return on investment, as well as improve the quality of water.
  • Planning ahead for nature-based solutions is much more cost effective, as the focus is on pre-planning and sustainable adaptation, rather than facing climate risk as an aftermath.
  • Local-level legislation should be at the forefront of creating nature-positive cities, as voluntary commitments have seldom proven to be successful. Having local government at the forefront – hand in hand with the private sector – is the most effective way to create nature-positive commitments within cities.

“Climate change should not be feared, but looked upon as an opportunity to implement efforts that in the best way make Kingston more resilient. We have partnered with the forestry department and have a mandate to plant 4 million trees.”

His Worship Andrew Swaby, Mayor, Kingston & St. Andrew Municipal Corporation

“There is an important incentive to create municipal, local initiatives, and to get national governments to step up and create that level playing field.”

Chris Ballard – CEO, Passive House Canada

“We believe we need more legislation at the local level first. No more voluntary commitments – we need to accelerate the transition connected to resilience and de-carbonization with the commitment of the local government.”

Sebastian Navarro, Secretary-General, CC35

“There are a lot of solutions and good practices around cities that are naturally positive. When we talk about nature-positive cities, we are talking about cities that are not only avoiding harm to nature and restoring nature, but really transforming the economic system so they internalize the value of nature in their decision making.”

Cristina Gomez, Lead, Nature-Positive Cities, World Economic Forum