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Productivity as an Engine Of Growth – Time For Latin America To Catch Up With The World

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Dr. Olivia White – Senior Partner and Director of McKinsey Global Institute, McKinsey & Company

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • Median country productivity has surged globally, but Latin America lags behind due to stagnant growth. Boosting productivity is therefore essential for combating poverty and raising living standards within Latin America.
  • The region’s reliance on commodities and slow manufacturing growth hinders economic diversification and sustainability. Prioritizing infrastructure and knowledge creation can drive economic transformation and unlock growth potential.
  • Governments, businesses, and international partners must collaborate to address structural challenges and facilitate Latin America’s economic advancement.
  • With productivity key to economic growth and social progress, Latin America faces crucial decisions over the coming decades. Read a recent report by McKinsey & Company titled Investing in Productivity Growth, which underscores the critical role of investment in fueling productivity growth.

“Investment is absolutely critical as a key to unlocking productivity growth, especially within critical infrastructure investment projects.”

Dr. Olivia White, Senior Partner and Director of McKinsey Global Institute, McKinsey & Company