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Financing Urban Nature: Setting the Stage for COP16 in Colombia


Cristina Gomez – Lead, Nature-Positive Cities, World Economic Forum
Alejandro Guerrero – President & CEO, Lockton Argentina & Uruguay

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Key takeaways & next steps:

  • Financing and protecting nature-based solutions through insurance should be looked through the lens of if it is not insurable, it is not financeable.
  • In the near term, city planning will need to factor in and account for the impact of nature in urban cities.
  • New markets for nature can be created through biodiversity credits. These credits would allow for the private sector to finance nature conservation and restorative activities.

“Countries are not only valuable for what they produce or for what they have – it is also what they haven’t and what they preserve. Nature is going to have a definite value and that is where the beginning of the solution comes.”

Alejandro Guerrero, President & CEO, Lockton Argentina & Uruguay

“There is now a global call for all sectors to start measuring dependencies on nature, and to measure and track nature-related risks into their business models and into the whole supply chains.”

Cristina Gomez, Lead, Nature-Positive Cities, World Economic Forum