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Polycrisis: Latin America

With Principal Programming Sponsor

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H.E. Laura Chinchilla, Former President, the Republic of Costa Rica; Co-Chair Concordia Leadership Council;
Vice President, World Leadership Alliance – Club de Madrid

Brent Harris, Vice President of Governance, Meta
Pedro Less, Vice President of Public Policy in Latin America, Meta

Key takeaways & next steps:

  • The COVID -19 crisis cemented the role of digital technology in ensuring resiliency in Latin America and the Caribbean. Key examples of this included the establishment of numerous bots over Meta platforms to coordinate vaccination and treatment throughout Latin America, as well as demand for confidential domestic violence helplines during lockdown enforcements.
  • The widespread use of Meta platforms across Latin America can provide opportunities for technological leapfrogs. An example is the growing sector of augmented and virtual reality technologies, where we see recent partnerships between Meta and the Organization of American States, which are set to train thousands in the region in the application of this technology.
  • There is an immediate need to update and adapt existing regulatory and legal frameworks to adjust to the religious and socioeconomic realities of Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • A key insight offered on the topic of misinformation included the localization of decision making through the use of independent oversight boards. Calling in the help of outside experts will also address a core issue to do with the concentration of decision making in the hands of a few tech CEOs. 

“It is no longer viable to look at every crisis as a crisis in itself. The challenge is to try to come up with responses to the special situation created by many crises evolving at the same time.”


H.E. Laura Chinchilla, Former President, the Republic of Costa Rica; Co-Chair Concordia Leadership Council Member; Vice President, World Leadership Alliance – Club de Madrid

“We need to find ways to empower people with the opportunity to set what the right ways are to experience these apps.”

Brent Harris, Vice President of Governance, Meta

“No matter if you’re a big corporation or a small business, you can have access to the same level of technology that a developed country has.”

Pedro Less, Vice President of Public Policy in Latin America, Meta